
Epiphany: Restoration and Order

Reflection 55 from Matters of the Heart, a series of Orthodox reflections on faith and life.

‘Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him.’ – Matthew 3:13

See Also:

Titus 2:11–14

The Lord’s Epiphany in the Jordan River unveils the glory of the Messiah and His divine manifestation as a member of the Holy Trinity, with the Father and the Holy Spirit. The Orthodox Church places great emphasis on the feast of Theophany for that very reason. And in His baptism not only does Christ restore life to humanity, but He also shares in the chaos of our world.

For the waters in ancient literature signifies chaos. Just as the Lord descended into the turbulent river water, He likewise descends into the turmoil of our world in order to bring about order out of chaos. God is not at a distance; rather He embraces us in our sinfulness and brokenness, and shares in our enduring iniquity. As Christ was submerged into the waters of the Jordan, He likewise immerses into our tribulations, suffering and death out of His love for mankind. And upon emerging from the waters, the Son of God shines forth triumphantly, defeating death and delivering humanity from the forces of eternal destruction.


My Lord who sanctified the waters of the Jordan, sanctify my soul also and manifest Your great glory by dwelling within me and filling me with Your Life giving Spirit.

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Epiphany: Restoration and Order - Reflection 55 from Matters of the Heart - A collection of Orthodox devotionals published weekly, each beginning with scripture and ending with a prayer.
Epiphany: Restoration and Order