
Ancient Landmarks

Reflection 68 from Matters of the Heart, a series of Orthodox reflections on faith and life.

Verse: ‘Remove not the ancient landmark, which your fathers have set.’ – Proverbs 22:28

See Also:

Deuteronomy 27:17

The Law of Moses places a curse on anyone who moves the ancient landmarks found within the Israelite settlement, for in doing so was to meddle with the identification and rightful inheritance of neighbours and tribes. But Solomon’s counsel proves far more relevant when observed from the scope of the preservation of the faith. What are these ancient landmarks if not the teachings of the holy fathers, the dogmas and canons of the Apostolic Church, and the established sacraments by which we commune with God?

By the blood of many martyrs this ancient faith was kept pure. We must therefore, do whatever it takes to ensure that the Orthodox Faith which was passed down to us through Christ and the apostles, nurtured through the fathers and observed in God’s Holy Church is never to be compromised. Today as was the case throughout the ages, the ancient and true faith is at risk, and many have lost their way by moving the ancient landmarks again and again. Remove not the ancient landmark!


“Confirm, O God, the Holy Orthodox Faith and Orthodox Christians, unto ages of ages. Amen”

Click on the image below for the PDF version:

Ancient Landmarks - Reflection 68 from Matters of the Heart - A collection of Orthodox devotionals published weekly, each beginning with scripture and ending with a prayer.
Ancient Landmarks


  • Lauryn

    It’s been a minute! Glad to see this post this morning. Keep them coming please. God bless your efforts ten folds.