
The Joy of God’s Word

Reflection 35 from Matters of the Heart

‘Your words were found, and I ate them, And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart…’

Jeremiah 15:16

See Also:
James 1:22

The Holy Bible is the living word of God, written to transform your life and align your will with that of the divine. These sacred words of scripture are dictated by the Word Himself, and penned by the most blessed and holy men of God. In these words is God revealed, and in each passage does God speak.

Undeniably God’s Word carries with it immense power, not as it is written with ink on paper, but rather when it is inscribed on your heart and soul. Indeed the Word of God is most manifest when you eat it, chewing its blessed cud, and allowing it to become an agent of change in your life. Relying on God’s Word for sound instruction, trusting in His divine wisdom, and faithfully awaiting His countless promises; that is when the Word is most prominent in your life. God’s marvellous words are displayed most of all in the joyfulness and rejoicing of your heart.


Grant me dear Lord, the illumination of heart and mind that I may meditate on Your holy Word and follow Your blessed teachings.

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The Joy of God's Word - A collection of Orthodox devotionals published weekly, each beginning with scripture and ending with a prayer.
The Joy of God’s Word
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