Great Advice to Husbands
Husbands! Do you want a constant reminder about how to be the kind of man that your spouse needs you to be? Or the kind of husband that God has called you to be in your marriage? Do you want practical advice on how to reap the spiritual benefits of your holy union with your wife? If so then you can’t go past the instruction of St John Chrysostom to husbands:
‘Love your wife more than you love your own life. Never be at odds, but be true. Prefer her company at home above being out. Esteem and admire her publicly and advise her patiently. Pray together, go to church, and discuss the readings and prayers. If your marriage is like this, your perfection will rival the holiest of monks.’
– St John Chrysostom
I loved this advice so much that I turned it into a bookmark! That way it is always within reach for whenever I need the reminder.
If you would like a bookmark for yourself, or for other husbands, then please feel free to download a copy simply by clicking on the image below.
Here is a closer look at the bookmark…
Not a husband? Why not share this resource with the husbands you know so that they may benefit also? And rest assured, there are other resources in the pipeline.
God bless you

The Path to Christian Perfection