This page contains all the books that I have read and loved. I have found each of these books to be very useful in my personal life and/or spiritual growth.
If you would like to know more about any of these books, leave a comment below and I will be sure to respond.
Also, if there are any other books you recommend for this community of readers, please share them below.
God bless
Love and Respect-Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Sacred Marriage-Gary Thomas

In Thy Presence-Lev Gillet

The Orthodox Prayer Life-Fr Matthew the Poor

Day by Day with the Early Church Fathers

The War of Art-Steven Pressfield

The Way of the Pilgrim

Jacob-Wrestling with God-F. B. Meyer

The Life of Paul-F. B. Meyer

Practical Spirituality According to the Desert Fathers-Fr Athanasius Iskander

If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat-John Ortberg

Turning the Heart to God-St Theophan the Recluse

A Briefer History of Time-Stephen Hawking

On the Apostolic Preaching- St Irenaeus of Lyons

Platform, Get Noticed in a Noisy World-Michael Hyatt

Mere Christianity-C. S. Lewis

Ascending the Heights-Fr John Mack

The Way of the Fathers-Mike Aquilina

Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods-Rick Warren

The Inner Kingdom-Bishop Kallistos Ware

A Beginner’s Guide to Spirituality-Michael Keiser

I Give God all the Glory
Good list. Thanks for sharing. God bless.
Jennifer – I Give God All The Glory.
Thanks Jennifer,
Some of these books have had a really profound effect on my spiritual growth and I would definitely recommend them to others.
God Bless
I Give God all the Glory
Joseph Cordova
I’m curious and have 2 questions:
1. Have you read “Four Witnesses: The Early Church in Her Own Words” by Robb Bennet?
2. Are you a Catholic? In many ways, you sound very Catholic – that’s a good thing.
Hi Joseph,
Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been inactive for a little while. I haven’t read Bennet’s book, but I’ll check it out if you recommend it. Also I am not catholic, I am Orthodox, but I do have a lot of respect for the Catholic Church.
Corey Thomas
Hi Marco, definitely need to get a hold of some of these books. May I also recommend Elder Thaddeus’s book “Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives.” One of the most spiritually practical and beautiful books I’ve ever read.
Thank you once again, for everything. I love this blog.
Hi Corey,
Thanks for your message and for your kind words. Coincidentally you’re the second person to recommend this book to me and when I walked into church this morning, I found the book in our very small bookshop. I will definitely be reading it very soon. Thanks for your recommendation 🙂
God bless
Hello Marco,
I hope you’ve been well.
Where can I buy ‘Orthodox Prayer Life: The Interior Way – Matthew the Poor’? I’ve actually been trying to hunt it down for a while.
Also, is it an easy read?
Hi Lauryn,
I must admit this book is quite hard to get a hold of, I know it is available on amazon, but I would look first in local Orthodox bookshops. The book is a great book but it is definitely not light reading. I would even say that the book needs to be read more than once to really grasp the ideas and experiences in prayer that the author describes.
Hope that helps 🙂
Thanks Marco. I will go book hunting. One of my all time favourites is Christ the Eternal Tao. Have you read it? Keep beaming!
Hi Eryka,
No i haven’t read that book but I’ll definitely check it out, thanks for the recommendation and for your support.
God bless 🙂
Abby Wahl
Curious about why A briefer history of time? Isn’t Hawking atheist?
Certainly a good question 🙂
As much as Hawking has come out in recent years declaring his atheistic views, reading this book of his brings to light just how amazing and vast our universe is and leaves the reader wondering how such an orderly and perfectly balanced universe could possibly come to existence by chance and out of nothing. In my view his book does more to prove the existence of God than otherwise…hope that helps.
Eriny Hanna
Hi Marco,
I definitely recommend A Trace in the Sand: A Tale of the Early Martyrs. It’s a fiction novel set at time time of Christian persecution in Ancient Rome about how a Christian servant was able to influence a whole pagan household. 🙂 I read it at a point in my life when I didn’t like reading very much. It was such a great read, and was an inspiration to live as salt and light.
Thank you for your blog and happy reading!
Hi Eriny,
Thanks so much for your recommendation! I was actually looking for my next read and although I’m not big on fiction novels, this one has definitely caught my attention. In fact I’m looking to get a copy right away. Thanks again.
God bless you dear friend!
A place for adventure
Hello Marco,
I’m an avid reader of your blog for a whil now. I thought I would comment now since I am an Orthodox Christian from birth, but like so many of our youtth/generation (born in 70’s) I was lost, but now I’m found. I didn’t care that much for reading the Holy Bible, including the church fathers writing (s). However, I always kept God in my heart. At one point, I felt the urge of His calling. I prayed to show me Christ’s Ture Church. In a vision (aka “dream state”) it was conveyed to me. I’m compelled to share it with you for some reason. Anyways, here are list of some books that helped me grow spiritually & helped grow my faith to God. 1) The Holy Bible/Orthodox Study Bible, (esp. The Book of Psalms (NKJV)); Hyms and Homilies of St. Ephraim the Syrian; The Philokalia; The saying of the Desert Fathers; My Life in Christ by St. John Kronstadt (Archprist John IIiytch Sergieff); An Inner Step Toward God, Fr. Alexander Men; books by Fr. Seraphim Rose; The Gurus, the young man and Elder Paisious; How Satan decives people by Elder Cleopa. Many of these are e-books. May God continue to help you in your faith and your blog to share the fruit of our Lord.
Hi Aresema,
Wow thanks so much for your kind words and I’m glad to hear you found your way back to the Lord. God bless you dear friend and may the Lord strengthen you in your walk with Christ.
Thank you so much for your amazing book recommendations. I have read some of the books you recommended, but you have listed a couple that I would be keen to read down the track. Thanks for sharing the titles with us!
God bless dear friend and I look forward to interacting with you more often.
In Christ
A place for adventure
Dear Marco,
Thank you so much for your kind words. Glory is due to the one & only Triune God for His love, grace and mercy! Amen.
Also, I’ve a few more books, I will share with you in another time. I look forward reading from your suggested lists above, with the exception of a few books, which I have read.
Wish you a wonderful weekend!
In Christ,
Looking forward to many more suggestions from you dear friend. God bless you abundantly 🙂