Taken Flesh and Gave Us Spirit
As it was impossible in the early times of creation for man to come to be, unless the clay were in God‘s hands, so in the same way, it would have been impossible to correct the human vessel that had become spoiled, unless it became an attire to Him who created it. But what can I say and about what can I talk? I am overtaken by astonishment due to this strange matter: He who is ancient of days became a child! He who is seated on the high shining throne was placed in a manger! The untangible, simple, uncompounded, and incorporeal became fettered by human hands! He who broke the shackles of sin is tied by fetters because He desired it! He wanted to transform vileness into honor and clothe shame with glory, to make what is point of contempt a means to virtue! For that reason He came to my body that I may embrace His Word! He took my flesh and gave me His Holy Spirit, so that through this taking and giving He may introduce the treasure of life into me! He took my flesh to sanctify me and gave me His Spirit to save me!
St John Chrysostom
In natalem Christi diem.
Glorious Body of Christ
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