The Fasting of Christ
For, for this cause even He fasted, not as needing it Himself, but to instruct us. Thus, since our sins before the font were brought in by serving the belly: much as if any one who had made a sick man whole were to forbid his doing those things, from which the distemper arose; so we see here likewise that He Himself after the font brought in fasting. For indeed both Adam by the incontinence of the belly was cast out of paradise; and the flood in Noah‘s time, this produced; and this brought down the thunders on Sodom. For although there was also a charge of whoredom, nevertheless from this grew the root of each of those punishments; which Ezekiel also signified when he said, “But this was the iniquity of Sodom, that she waxed wanton in pride and in fullness of bread, and in abundance of luxury” (Ezek 16:49). Thus the Jews also perpetrated the greatest wickedness, being driven upon transgression by their drunkenness and delicacy (Ex 32:6). On this account then even He too fasts forty days, pointing out to us the medicines of our salvation.
St John Chrysostom
On Matthew 4:2; Homily 13
Flee Far Away
Glorious Body of Christ
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