
Our Need for Christ


Sick, we truly stand in need of the Saviour; having wandered, of one to guide us; blind, of one to lead us to the light; thirsty, of the fountain of life, … dead, we need life; … universal humanity stands in need of Jesus. Such is our Instructor, righteously good. “I came not,” He says, “to be ministered unto, but to minister,” and He promises “to give His life a ransom for many.” … Generous, therefore, is He who gives for us the greatest of all gifts, His own life; and beneficent exceedingly, and loving to men, in that, when He might have been Lord of men, He wished to be a brother man; and so good was He that He died for us.

The Instructor, Book 1, Chapter 9.

ANF II, p 230-231.