Battle of the Mind
Reflection 64 from Matters of the Heart, a series of Orthodox reflections on faith and life.
Verse: “Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes.” – Song of Solomon 2:15
See Also:
Luke 10:19
The mind is the seat of human consciousness. It is what directs our behaviours and governs our actions. Thoughts and the will, as well as our feelings and emotions all arise from the mind. It comes as no surprise then that the mind is where the devil wages war against God’s beloved. This has been the chosen battlefield of the evil one since the fall of mankind. In our carelessness, in weakness, and when our guard is down, the adversary sneaks his way into our minds, bringing with him seedlings of misery, hopelessness, despair, and a multitude of other sins by which to cause havoc and destruction.
It is in this internal arena where all battles are won or lost. The struggles against the enemy are always ferocious, and we must be on guard at all times to catch us the foxes which spoil the precious vines planted within the confines of our mind. And we need never lose hope for we have as an almighty ally, One who has granted us the authority to trample the enemy and evict the destroyer of peace.
Lord, grant me the spiritual rigour to seek and blot out the foxes within my mind in order that I may persevere in righteousness.
Click on the image below for the PDF version:
![Battle of the Mind - Reflection 64 from Matters of the Heart - A collection of Orthodox devotionals published weekly, each beginning with scripture and ending with a prayer.](https://i0.wp.com/spirituallygrounded.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Battle-of-the-Mind-Matters-of-the-Heart-1.png?resize=475%2C615&ssl=1)
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