In Great Calamities
Reflection 63 from Matters of the Heart, a series of Orthodox reflections on faith and life.
Verse: ‘For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.’ – Romans 8:18
See Also:
Psalm 22 (23):4
Trials and temptations in life are many! And some may appear to be grievous and far beyond our ability to overcome them. But contrary to our limited perception, it is precisely these immense tribulations that God permits to those whom He most dearly loves.
In the first instance, these calamities are a real test of our free will, a chance if we may choose, to turn away from God and seek consolation elsewhere. Or more wisely to turn our soul towards God, placing our life completely in His hands. More so, these difficulties become our cross and our martyrdom, a way in which we follow our Saviour in suffering and even unto death. Finally, our Almighty God shares in our suffering, strengthens us and sustains us with His unending grace. May we never forget that it is in these difficulties of life that our Lord manifests Himself most gloriously.
In my hour of need, I ask You Lord to manifest Yourself and share in my suffering. Bestow Your grace upon me, strengthen me and sustain me.
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