When Temptations Arise
Reflection 61 from Matters of the Heart, a series of Orthodox reflections on faith and life.
Verse: ‘Then was Jesus led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.’ – Matthew 4:1
See Also:
Revelation 3:11
No sooner had the Lord been baptised than He was led into the wilderness to fast and pray. It comes as no surprise that this is when the devil begins to war against Christ, tempting Him many times in an attempt to see Him fall from honour. But Our Lord remains valiant, resisting the Deceiver and exposing his evil ways.
In the same manner, the devil is most vehement when he is threatened by the renewal of our baptism, and the cleansing of our sins. As temptations arise, we must recognise that the devil is waging war in an attempt to keep us from our crown. The accuser is quick to strike when he sees us journey towards the wilderness, guided by the Holy Spirit to be with God in fasting and prayer. For if Satan does not strike at once, he will be defeated by our spiritual fervour, through the power and by the grace of God.
My Lord, help me to rely on you in my hour of need, and to recognise that my temptations are my means to victory over Satan.
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