In Praise of the Apostles
Reflection 28 from Matters of the Heart
Verse:“Blessed are you, Simon…I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church…” – Matthew 16:17-18
“Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel…” – Acts 9:15
The church places the holy and blessed Apostles Peter and Paul in high esteem, dedicating a fast in their honour. For these venerable leaders of the Apostles laboured fervently for the glory of the Kingdom. The transformation they each underwent is a great testimony to us who are striving for holiness. Both Peter and Paul denied the Lord, one forsaking Jesus in His darkest hour, whilst the other was a persecutor of the Body of Christ, the Church. However after God transformed their lives, both men underwent profound changes, and both confessed of the Lord’s divinity. The two great apostles sacrificed all to follow Christ, becoming chosen vessels for the Lord.
Remembering therefore their many sufferings, we ought to imitate their holy life and steadfastness of faith. Loving in them the abundant Grace with which they were filled and the fervent love they had for their Messiah.
Through the prayers, of my masters the fathers the apostles, our father Peter and our teacher Paul, O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.
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Thy Will Be Done
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