
Thy Will Be Done

Reflection 27 from Matters of the Heart

Verse: “Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.”

– Matthew 6:10

See Also:

Mark 3:35

The pinnacle of the faith-lived life is to stand before the Lord and utter wholeheartedly and with full confidence, ‘Thy will be done’. Submission to the will of God is not only a measure of faith in the Creator; it is the height of Christian perfection. For submission to Divine will requires the sacrifice of the ego and the death of one’s self daily. It entails the commitment to bearing the cross and walking behind the crucified Saviour. It is in its very essence the death to the old man in favour of the new.

But with such grand a submission comes great delight. For all troubles, trials, sufferings and turmoils cease to be a source of pain, becoming rather a source of blessing. In the will of God one finds divine consolation, and an unsurpassable joy. Intimacy with God, then, begins in willing all that God wills for us.


My God, how I long to grow in my reliance on You in order that I may align my will with Yours.

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Thy Will Be Done - A collection of Orthodox devotionals published weekly, each beginning with scripture and ending with a prayer.
Thy Will Be Done
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