
KEEP THY WORD: Scripture Memory Challenge

The Bible is the Wisdom of God, indexed, leather-bound and placed in the palm of your hands. Reading this extraordinary Book is not only essential to connecting with your Creator, but also to discovering your purpose and your value in the eyes of God. David the Psalmist knew the value of God’s words and would memorise Scripture in order to meditate on it day and night (Ps 1:2). You can do likewise!

If you want to memorise Scripture but have never been good at the whole discipline thing. Then why not join me and this wonderful community as we endeavour to learn several Bible verses together?

68-KeepThyWordThe Keep Thy WORD challenge is designed to help you commit to memory one verse a week for a total of 12 weeks. It’s as easy as that!

Together we can learn, review and meditate on the Word of God

Ready to get started? Read below to get all the details:

Here’s What I Need from You!

  1. If you are not already following on Facebook, you will need to do so by clicking Here, the link will direct you to the Keep Thy WORD challenge. Once there, simply leave a comment on the post with your pledge I’m in’.
  2. When you receive the verse of the week, I encourage you to read it, reflect on it, and then share your reflections with us on the SpirituallyGrounded Facebook page. Don’t be shy…
  3. Set aside some time each day to learning the verse of the week. As little as 10 minutes a day will make a huge difference. I only ask that you make this a priority! If you need help with memorizing your verses, I recommend you check out the article Ten Tips for Memorising Bible Verses
  4. Spread the word, why not tell your family and friends and get them to make the pledge too?
  5. Pray, Pray and Pray some more!!! Pray for God to reveal the meaning of the verse to you, Pray for this community of believers, and Pray for the success of this service.

How it works

  1. A carefully selected Bible verse will be posted to the Spiritually Grounded Facebook page at the start of every week. You will be tagged to the picture verse so that you are notified when it is posted.
  2. Read the verse and reflect on it. Again I encourage you to share your thoughts, views or reflections with us.
  3. You can also tweet your progress with the hash tag #KeepThyWORD.
  4. After 12 weeks, we’ll evaluate to see what worked and what didn’t.

Not convinced yet? What if I promise to send you a gift at the end of the 12 weeks just for trying?





  • I Give God all the Glory

    I’m in – I already commented on your Facebook page. I appreciate the time you’ve spent putting this together – I’m looking forward to it. I will share the challenge on my community facebook page as well as Twitter.

    God bless you.

    Jennifer – I Give God All The Glory

  • Marco

    Hey Jennifer,
    I’m so glad to hear you’ll be joining us. I think this little challenge could be a really fun way for us to learn some Scripture verses together as a community.

    I would love for you to get active on the Facebook group and share your reflections on the chosen Bible verses since I can see that you have a passion and love for the Bible.

    Thanks so much for your encouragement and for sharing the challenge with your followers.

    God bless you